Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall is here!

Since summer is over I guess fall is here. It feels strange, like I'm not ready for it. We haven't even decorated for Halloween, and it's on Friday...yikes. By the time I get it up, it's time to take it down. I don't think Dylan and Isabella will let me get away with it this year. Oh well!

Isabella loves to rake leaves. The only problem she also likes to jump in them (it does keep her occupied for a long time). Her friend Jade came over the other day and they raked some leaves and then tried to bury themselves in it. They had leaves everywhere, and when I say everywhere...I mean everywhere. They had a blast though!


Jenn said...

Hee hee with leaves comes bugs...BATH TIME!!!

Swedish Rose said...

Tyler said that the next day when he was brushing Jade's hair there were still a tons of little leaf pieces in her hair...