Sunday, November 9, 2008

Isabella's Wonderful Statement

Last Friday was Rick's Birthday and we had a party. (I will blog that later when I have the pictures uploaded.) Anyway, at the end of the evening and the kids are ready to go to bed Dylan realizes that someone had taken all his Lego's (1000's) and dumped them out all over the floor (and spread them out EVERYWHERE) and taken his Bionicles apart. He was MAD and flipped out. (Understandably) Since it was about 11.30pm and he had pretty much just lived on sugar that evening there was nothing that would stop him in his hysteria. We asked Isabella if she had done it and she said no. So I asked her again (to make sure) "Are you sure? You are not lying right, because if you are lying about this, things will be much worse for you?" So she said "Mom, do you think I'm crazy? If I would do that I would be dead meat, I would be the turkey for Thanksgiving" I guess she knows her brother well.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I am so glad you wrote it was so funny! I feel very bad for Dylan's Lego Destroyer Intruder... we have thousands of lego too and we know all t
to well how it stinks picking them up.