Sunday, January 24, 2010

Feel Alive

We all know as mothers we are constantly bombarded with worries, questions, joys and more worries.  We want our children to grow up educated, loved, humble and most importantly to know that God is good and that He loves them (us).  We are so afraid that we will screw them up and that one day they will sit in a nice comfy chair talking to a psychologist about their messed up childhood.  However, deep down I know that I am doing my best, we are all doing our best.  I know that if I listen to the spirit, he will guide me and help me make the right choices.  I am so full of love right now for the love of God.  He is so giving, so loving and ONLY wants what is best for us.  I want to be good.  I want my children to see that I am following Him.  I want them to see the love He has for us and want them to feel it.  I was listening to a Swedish singer the other day, and in her song she said "Jag vill kanna att jag lever" which translates to "I want to FEEL alive".  I just don't want to BE alive I want to FEEL it.  I want my children to have the knowledge that we are blessed.
Everyday I think Him for what we have.
Thank Him for my husband and children.
Thank Him for my friends.
Thank Him for not having to go through what the people in Haiti is going through.
And most importantly -
Thank Him for feeling alive.

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